Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Backgrounds....and a nose surgery

So this past week has been really busy, I (bubba) have been trying to get into the California Highway Patrol off and on for the past year. Now I'm at the point were I finally passed the written test about 2 months ago and took the physical test and the oral interview and passed all with excellent scores, now it was time for the background check. I have not gone through it yet but I turned in my packet yesterday YEA FOR ME! So now I wait till the background investigator calls me and starts my background. But in the mist of me doing this paper work, megan gots a surgery done to help her breath better because of a deviated septum. No it was not some crazy nose job but the bandages sure do look like it. : ) She has been doing good and bad the past week but she has made it through it and we will be going to the doctor tomorrow to get the splints and stitches taken out. So life has been busy in the Busath home! Thank you to Both mom and dads, and marianne for coming over and helping care for megan, we really appreciated it. O the best part of the week is going to my mom and dads house for dinner and as we walk in my nephew lucas looks at megan and says "Let me guess, Bubba punched you in the nose". Gosh I love that kid!


The Hudsons said...

I love that kid too. I hope that everything goes well for you and that Megan is feeling better.

Fire Dog said...

That kid is crazy!! I love that you updated us thanks! Hope megan feels better, and good luck with the background check!!

Fire Dog said...

Okay so that last comment was from Andi and not Brian!